Bluesky Locksmith - Verify Our Information!
BlueSky Locksmith takes pride in the fact that we are licensed to perform any lock or key service that you need. Below, you can check out our licensing information via the Washington Secretary of State, the Department of Labor & Statistics, as well as the City of Seattle!
If you find yourself in need of locksmithing work but are unsure if a particular company has the proper credentials, please use the tools provided to determine their authenticity. Better yet, call a legitimate locksmith today at (206) 659-6115.

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

Washington Secretary of State

City of Seattle
It Is important to ensure that the locksmith providing you with service is fully licensed, insured, and bonded.

BlueSky Locksmith has been fully certified by the State of Washington, City of Seattle, and the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.